05:30 AM - March 22, 2020
Sunday, Mar 22nd, Club #1
Well this is the last official day for snowmobiling in New Brunswick as dictated by the CO 19 crisis. We did our last grooming on the trails as we moved all our groomers from the remote locations back to our shop. The trails will go black at midnight tonight, but I’ve downloaded our section of trails as they appeared last night. We’re leaving them in great shape and actually going forward with looking at the weather it is that time of the year where able to groom does become a bit of a task with temperatures hovering above zero in the daytime. The trend however, shows some good weather for the next two weeks. As I mentioned in Saturday’s post, even though the trails are shut down the NBFSC has lease rights until April 15th and no other vehicles are legally allowed on these trails. There will be gas at the lodges on Trail 23, namely Rogers Lake, Governors, and Serpentine.
We want to thank all who understand the position that the NBFSC took and the clubs have no choice but to conform with this decision. I’ve had some great comments on our efforts this year and those are noted in our comment section plus some on our FB site. Just for you info our Club #1 was just under our five year average of 2300 hours with 2125 hours groomed as of today and logged just over 17,000 Kms grooming. I’ve attached yesterday’s grooming map and a two week temperature chart. To all who have chimed in to my conditions blog, I hope I didn’t bore you, but truly it is information for our sledders from away in other parts of this province and our NS and PEI members and friends who want to know as much info before treking 200 to 700 Kms. I’m not through yet.