10:00 AM - April 10, 2024
Don's Retirement: This morning’s 6am post April 10th will be my last post on the Bathurst Trails website. After 35 years of being with Nepisiguit Sports Lodge Snowmobile Club and until this year, just primarily involved with the website “bathursttrails” and our facebook “Nepisiguit Lodge”, both of which I developed, I’m passing the torch to Marc Hannan who graciously accepted this position. Marc is currently a valued director of the Nepisiguit snowmobile club #1 and will be taking over my responsibilities with the Bathurst Trails web site and the Nepisiguit Lodge facebook. Marc has been a lifetime member of the club and comes with loads of experience with his role in the NBFSC as past District Director for Zone 5 for the past 6 years. He is also heavily involved with establishing warming shelter at Popple Depot and numerous other attributes benefiting the club. Marc will do a great job as always. For myself, a big thank you to all and to the club, my continued support if needed. Don
They repaired the road Highway 430 up to Rogers Lake so the operator made the trip last night. Mickey groomed out of Rogers Lake on Trail 23 up to Red Pine Shelter, 507 , Trail 22 to the 22/301 intersection and back to Red Pine, then up Piston Alley to Popple Depot and back to Rogers Lake.