05:45 AM - March 04, 2020
Wednesday, Mar 4th, Club #1
It was a bit of a mild day yesterday with temps in the positive single digits, but great riding. Spoke to sledders from Nova Scotia and they said trail where they rode yesterday were awesome. Now the forecast for today has been all over the place in the past few days with 15 cm of snow, 15 to 20 mm of rain and now a mix bag of both, so it is too early to call as what we’re supposed to get. It might be safe to assume that possibly from Nepisiguit to Mt Carleton we could have mainly snow, but of the wet variety.
Our Wednesday night supper is on tonight, so if you’re looking for tickets just call the lodge as there definitely will be cancellations. It will be Chicken Cordon Bleu with all the fixens plus Joan’s dessert desert, which is always a surprise. Call the lodge 548-9174 for tickets as they will be going fast.
Groomers will be out after it cools off.