We are still Going Strong

09:25 AM - March 19, 2020

Thursday, Mar 19th, Club #1
     Well here we go with another day with everybody is trying to figure out what the next day is going to bring. I’ll start with saying our trails are 9 out of 10 and depending who is doing the ratings it could range from 6 to 12 out of 10, but hey we are still sledding so make the best of it. I’ll drop some pics here and a comment from a good friend from PEI. 
    First here is brief lowdown on venues along our trail system. 
     There is a lot going on with the Coved 19 virus effecting snowmobiling throughout the province. Venue Closures and reduced services
1.Sugary: We are sorry to announce that for everyone safety we are going to shut down our brunches on Saturday and Sunday, because of the Corid-19 virus, the rest of the business is still going to run as normal. 

2. Mt Carleton closed for the season plus Grooming terminated.

3. Serpentine . Gas only and shelter with snacks. No lodging

4. The Island Lake Club is sad to announce you that we are going to close our door starting Tuesday march 17 due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) until further notice. Only the gas service will be open to our clients. Thank you for your understanding please share.

5. Visit Governors FP page for their take. Open for complete business

6. Mt Carleton Park shut down for business with no gas and curtailment of grooming through the Park

7. Atlantic Host as of today, no restaurant , no bar. Accommodations and Room Service are available

8. Rogers Lake complete business as usual

9. Nepisiguit Lodge complete business as usual gas and food.

    There have been decisions made by these venues to remain open status quo or shut down certain services and that is their decision and must be respected. Going forward, all of the above may change but at least not without a day or two’s notice. Check yesterdays 12 AM post.
Here is a quot from a friend: "Trails were great for the most part. A little rough through the park. But everywhere else I would say 9 out of 10. Perfect weather too." Grooming last night: # 1 Roger heading east on 23-NMS-22-301 back 507-Red pine shelter then 507-22-23-RL . # 2 Bryan host -360-Bass R-shop.-  #3 Mickey NSL-360-Nine Mile Shelter-NSL  all on 23

Medium 2376e4411f

Live view at Nepisiguit Sports Lodge

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