10:00 AM - October 28, 2022
Friday, Oct 28, 2022, Club #1 Sorry for the lack of news, but I have been terribly busy with all the work going on. Here is an update: Trails: Ron and crew have been brush cutting trails and Ron has upgraded some signage.
Shelters: The boys and gals have been busy here as you can see on our Nepisiguit Lodge facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BathurstTrails .
Lodge: Renovations of the Nepisiguit Lodge are in progress. Firewood has been procured for this winter.
Trail Permits are now available through SNB. Our site has yet to be updated, but if you wish a copy for next seasons permit for out of province applicants only, we can email one to you.
Our 50/50 Lottery will be in order again this year.