Temperatures Playing a Factor With Grooming

05:00 AM - March 11, 2021

Thursday, Mar 11th, Club #1

      All trails were very busy yesterday, probably the busiest Wednesday this year. Temperatures were very Spring like hovering between +6 and +9. Trails were quite loose, but great riding weather. It should get better as we approach the weekend, but temperatures could play detrimental to the trail quality and when you have temperatures well into positive numbers grooming can be a problem, but we’ll do what we can as we did last night with the #1 running Piston Alley from Rogers Lake to Popple Depot. On the way back from Popple Depot he turned up the 507 at Red Pine Shelter and went 22 south to Nine Mile Shelter then into Rogers Lake from there.. I'm not sure how the trails turned out giving the temperatures, but we tried. 

I picked this interesting article given to me over a year ago and thought I would share it again:  Greetings, I would like to first of all thank all the staff and volunteers for their great work. Their dedication and hard work maintaining facilities and trails is greatly appreciated. If it weren't for your fine efforts we would not be able to enjoy the excellent quality and diverse trail systems literally right outside my door, which brings me to the point of this correspondence... #19 bisects my property and I enjoy the privilege of having direct access. The trail is a fair distance from my home so I personally have not experienced any noise issues. The issue with excessive noise and speed in areas of homes and residences especially in the area in question is serious. I would be disappointed to see a loss of privilege and loose access to the trail. I believe this issue can be resolved through information and education...We have the wilds of New Brunswick to let loose, but not in someone's back yard let common sense prevail...We don't have mandatory speed limits like Ontario and enjoy the privilege of driving within our "abilities"...We seem to do a good job of policing ourselves, however, this is a serious issue and given the right conditions, may motivate those who wish to legislate our sport further... I hope we can, as a membership, a fellowship of riders and snowmobile enthusiasts, find a common sense solution otherwise we risk, not only loss of trail access, but dare I say, mandatory speed limits...   So the lesson here is that those piped up machines should slow down going through residential areas and stop the brapping.

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