Shelter Closures across New Brunswick

12:00 AM - October 01, 2020

Thursday, Sept 1st, Club #1 
The NBFSC would like to announce that all NBFSC-Club Trail Shelters will remain closed for the 2020-2021 season. The volunteers who are the owners /operators of these facilities are unable to comply with responsibilities in New Brunswick’s COVID-19 Operational Plan. Trail Shelters will be opened after Covid-19 restrictions in place are lifted.
La FCMNB veut annoncer que tous les abris de sentiers des clubs de la FCMNB vont rester fermés pour la saison 2020-2021. Les bénévoles qui sont les propriétaires/opérateurs de ces installations ne sont pas capables de se conformer aux responsabilités du Plan opérationnel pour la COVID-19 du Nouveau-Brunswick. Les abris de sentiers seront ouverts après la levée des restrictions mises en place pour la Covid-19. 
Lisa MacDougall 
Administrative Assistant 
The New Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs Inc. 
A Volunteer Organization 
Phone: 506-325-2625 
Fax: 506-325-2627 

This message caught us off guard as we were in the midst of prepping all our shelters. We have no alternative than to abide by the rules so we will be putting up the appropriate closure signs when we get them.
Our Shelter Director Tyler Mullins Message 
 - Covid and how it will affect our shelters:
    The federation announced today that we will need to close our shelters for the duration of covid regulations.
    We will be posting signs given to us by the federation on each of our shelters announcing official closure of shelters, but the doors will remain unlocked to avoid damage to our buildings and a warm, safe place to land if anyone runs into issues while out enjoying our beautiful trails.
     We will be ensuring that we have adequate wood for the winter at all shelters in our system in case of emergency or (optimistically) the covid regulations get lifted. 
    On that note, we will be looking for assistance and volunteers to help split and pile another big load of wood donated to us by fornebu lumber and delivered by jean marc cormier.
    Stay positive and stay safe, people. We will be out enjoying our sleds sooner then later! Tyler Mullin 

Live view at Nepisiguit Sports Lodge

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11:35 PM - February 11, 2025
11:45 PM - February 11, 2025
10:00 AM - February 10, 2025
11:00 AM - February 07, 2025
Quality Inn And Suites
 Groupe R H Frenette Group Ltd.
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Trail Permit / Application 22-23

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