05:00 AM - February 24, 2021
Wednesday Club #1
Doubled groomed From Bass River and The Atlantic Host to Nepisiguit through Rogers Lake, Trail 22 to the 22/301 intersection. There was about 15 cm of wet snow over Tuesday. We were grooming last night but this post is about private property:
Private Property: This can be a big issue if allowed to continue. I was out checking our trail 500 which is a trail through mostly private property. We have permission to pass through property owned by Squire Green Golf course. The trail is clearly marked and is groomed where it is marked. If we want this trail to continue to exist we must STAY ON THE TRAIL. See map and picture below. This trail was put in there for sledders in the area to have easy access to the main trail, namely Trail 19, from, Riverside Dr, and South Bathurst from across Bathurst Basin.
As you see in the picture there are sledders with no respect for this property running the fairway. We have the trail skirting the edge of the property and we are asking all to stay on the groomed and marked trails. Thank you.