Oct 15 update for club #1

08:00 AM - October 15, 2021

     Put the final touches to the gas shed by adding a steeple. Gary Scothorn and I did the install on Tuesday. Also unplugged a water drain pipe just above the lodge. This section isn’t getting any better.

Tyler Mullin Report:      BHS students have been busy building new outhouses for 2 or our shelters, Progressing well. When complete we will be asking for mini excavator assistance to dig a hole under each before installation.       Redbrook shelter wood is being looked after by the reliable crew of “rough waterians” who help us every year, and they will be piling the wood, graciously donated by Steve and Sheila Belanger. 9 mile shelter wood has been taken care of by Peter Kenny and co.         Peter also took the time to clean up all around the shelter, looks great!               Redpine shelter, there is still a large pile of slabs to be cut and piled in front of the shelter. I noticed we have had a few busy beavers who have started at the pile, that help is appreciated, and a few more hours donated by club members will see this pile finished up! Thank you to all who have helped and all who plan to help in the coming weeks. Our shelters, just like our trails, wouldn’t be as great as they are if it wasn’t for great volunteers!


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