10:00 AM - March 20, 2022
There was a flurry of ticket selling up until 5 PM yesterday, but unfortunately we did not reach our goal of 1000 tickets. However, we do feel that it was a great success. Thanks to all that participated. We have the final number at exactly 8700 tickets sold, therefore we will be drawing it as noted on the ticket "In the event that less than 1000 tickets are sold, the draw will revert to a 50/50 draw 50% of the total to the prize winners and 50% to the club including expenses".
example: First prize $25000.00 X 87% = $21750.00 as a prorated payout., Second Prize $10000.00 X 87% = $8700.00 and so on for all others.
Draw will be at Bathurst City Hall at noon today.