07:00 AM - November 08, 2021

Lottery        As mentioned in an earlier post we are going ahead with our lottery again this year. We have our committee in place with Steve Purcell as chairperson, Lisa Chamberlain as co-chairperson, Dave Brewster advertising and myself ticket coordinator and secretary. It will again be $100,000 50/50 lottery with the prize structure the same as last year (see below). The lottery licence and tickets have been procured and the On Line ticket purchase is again available on our website.

        Contrary to what was said regarding our fund raisers such as the Wednesday night suppers and given the ups and downs with the Covid situation we felt for this year we will be having NO Wednesday night suppers. We are planning again on selling 1000 tickets at $100 per ticket and we feel that with over 1400 members this would not be a hard sell plus the fact that we will be selling to the local public as we have a very loyal base here in the vicinity of Bathurst. The prize structure will be on a 50 – 50 draw with the winning tickets getting the full 50% in cash only and the second 50% to the club which will include all expenses such as ticket printing plus advertising. We decided that again there will be only cash prizes and we are asking that all members who use the trail system to support this fund raiser but particularly those who use the system substantially through the season. This will ensure we can continue to provide a first class trail system for everyone in 2022.

        As we did in our first draw the lottery will be prorated in case we don’t get to sell the 1000 tickets and if we sell them all before the closing date of March 20 on which date we will be making the draw at Bathurst City Hall. Judging by the response from members we should have no trouble selling these tickets plus I might add that there was a mad scramble for tickets during the last week of last year’s draw, so don’t delay in getting yours. The tickets are now available on line through our web site and also in person by designated business’s (A list of sellers will be made as soon as we have the tickets distributed) and persons as of today November 8th. These tickets can make a perfect Christmas gift. As we have done last year you would be eligible for a chance on a season pass for those who wish to sell books of tickets for us. Those selling books could have their name drawn for all complete books of tickets sold. There will be two names drawn from those ticket sellers for a chance at 2022-23 trail permit and the more books you sell the better chance at this prize.

       Prize structure: First Place $25000, Second Place $10,000, Third Place $5,000, Fourth to Sixth place $1000, Seventh to Twelfth Place $500, Thirteenth to Twentieth $300, Twenty first to Thirty Sixth $100. Good Luck and thank you.

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