07:00 AM - November 12, 2018
Monday, Nov 12th, Club #1 -4 C
We remember the fallen and honour those who defend.
I was talking with Alyre at Serpentine. There is about 4 inches down from the Friday precip. Not enough to try running. There is a lot of wind fallen trees down just about anywhere and if anybody is traveling the woods, make sure you have a cutting tool on board.
Our shelter director Tyler is making sure we have solar powered lighting in our shelters. We`ll see about the new Popple shelter, which is now in place. He said wood will be handled for the Red Brook Shelter on Trail 19 towards East Bathurst. I`m sure we have volunteers lined up for that. Ron, Denis, and Don have been busy with the 501. Things are progressing smoothly with a few bumps here and there.
Looks like we could have some snow this week and with the highs near zero and below and some ice forming, you never know; we could see an early start again this year. Remember to try and sign up before Dec 15th and pick your club location. It is very important as that particular club receives a good portion of your permit fee. In our case it is Club #1.