10:00 AM - February 06, 2020
The North Shore Welding supper was a big success even though there were numerous cancelations due to illness. A big thank you goes out to Richard Saulnier of NSW for the serving of a beautiful turkey supper. Richard had some wonderful prizes as part of the meal ticket and the club wants to acknowledge him for his 23rd year in his company’s sponsorship. We had people in from Nova Scotia, and a great contingent from the Miramichi. Thank you for all showing up to a great social event. See you next week at our next supper sponsored by the Hatheway Group, Elm Tree Resources and Maritime Refrigeration. It will be a delicious Bar-B-Q chicken supper with all the fixens plus Joan’s dessert desert, which is always a surprise. Call the lodge 548-9174 for tickets as they will be going fast.