06:00 AM - January 30, 2023
It was the busiest weekend so far this season. Ron had one groomer out last night. #1 and from Rogers Lake to Popple Depot on piston alley, then over the 503 to trail 19 and back to Rogers Lake. With 10 cm of snow overnight, Ron will have the three groomers out later today.
Safety message for the week. All too often you hear about the inexperienced rider having an accident. Most times the reason is speed, but the main reason is that the lead sled or sleds are running to fast for the inexperienced rider to keep up, subsequently they are riding to fast for their capableility, hence an accident. So you riders out front please take this message into consideration when riding with less experienced riders. It also should be noted that 80% of all accidents happen to those following lead sleds.