09:00 AM - January 20, 2021
Wednesday Club #1 Did You Buy Your Lottery Ticket Yet. www.lottery.bathursttrails.com
Ron’s Report
Trail 19/23 Host to Lodge: # 1 Groomer; Bryan and Jacob. I put 2 guys in this today as some trail work need to be done . More trees to be cut and a washout on trail 19 on the Line had to be bridged. It was safer with 2 guys for chain saw work. They continued up to Rogers lake on Trail 23 and I picked them up there early this morning.
On the #2 Roger groomed from Rogers lake up Piston Alley to Trail 506 Dry Gulch cluster and then Trail 503 to Simpson Fields on Trail 19 and finished up back to Rogers lake. Mickey will take it from there and he will groom his way back to the shop through Nepisiguit over night. So Trai 23 will be well groomed from Rogers Lake to the Lodge and Trail 19 back to East Bathurst. Mickey will catch Shady Lane Trail 509, Doucet Road and Nine Mile cluster on his way by. Only cluster not done after that will be Austin brook, but Mickey has not been in there yet so don’t want him going in there in the middle of the night as he may not fine his way. We will get it in the next couple of days.
The trails really turned green in the past two days with all the clubs in the North doing a phenomenal job including the Park groomers doing most trails in the Christmas Mountains. Thanks to all.