06:05 AM - February 21, 2020
Friday, Feb 21st, Club #1
-20 again this morning here in Bathurst. The #2 left the Atlantic Host on Trail 19 East yesterday for our shop in East Bathurst for a thaw out of the unit. It seen drifting and a lot of snow iced the unit up with these cold temps. The #1 was out of Rogers Lake on Trail 23 to Serpentine; still on the trail at post. The #3 Big Blue was out of Nepisiguit and was supposed to run to Rogers Lake on Trail 23, but looks like he encountered problems so he turned at the 430 highway. It is currently on the way back. Trails are 9 to 10.
I would like to think that our snowmobiling public are people that look after each other and I still think that 99.99% do just that. We had another incident at our Nine Mile Shelter where we had another axe stolen. With these cold and treacherous temperatures it would be nice to have an axe to split up some kindling but when it goes missing, need I say more. The axe which was just placed there was drilled and a cable secured with Crosby clips went missing. This was just a cheap hatchet axe purchased at Canadian Tire; $10 or so on sale. A regular axe is in the $50 range and of course it would be fool hardy to put one of those. But I guess we will have to credit the .001% for our troubles.
There has been some crazy swings in temperatures and it is not going away with temps of -15 yesterday and mostly plus over the next three of four days. This is the best and most consistent trail conditions around the province that I’ve seen in years. Not as much snow as in previous years, but enough to keep good lube and flat conditions everywhere. No melt downs except a little before Christmas, but it was a contributing factor on what we seen so far. I’ve always said that a little rain here and there is always good for the trails.
Just to bring you up to date on our remaining list of events for this year:
February 26th - Wednesday- 6:30pm- Supper at Lodge- “Hip of Beef”-Doucet Landscaping and Blanchards Ready Mix
Feb 29th - Saturday- 12:00pm- 4:00pm- Rogers Lake Lodge
24th Anniversary of our famous“ Danny Burger Run”- Big D Drive In
March 4th - Wednesday- 6:30pm –Supper at Lodge- Chicken Cordon Bleu- Maurice’s Gas and Convenience / Service Master
March 7th - Saturday - Wings & Mussels Day - Boucher Machining, DonTech Industries, Steve’s Electric, City Center, Junction Lumber at Rogers Lake Lodge
March 11th - Wednesday- 6:30pm- Supper at Lodge- Strip Loin Steak- Thirteen Barrels / Bradley Jenks Exc.
March 12th – Thursday – 6:30 PM - Supper at Lodge - Bar-B-Q Chicken – All proceeds to Miramichi Snowmobile Club