11:35 AM - December 03, 2020
Thursday, Dec 3rd, Club #1
Good morning from Bathurst: I just want to let you folks from the south that this recent weather we had took what little snow we had, but what the big problem is, is the lack of freezing temperatures to mend all the bad spots on some parts of our trail system. Checking on the weather for the next couple of weeks, which there is no doubt that you have been doing that, I’m quite optimistic seeing the temps drop from here into the 17th with snow in the mix as well.
I have to conclude that the past 4 or 5 years was not the normal weather we were used to having as well. We were getting really spoiled with lots of snow in as early as Nov. I also have a 17 year weather history that I’ve been maintaining pertaining to snowmobiling. Some of it is very interesting, which I’ll post in the future.