08:00 AM - January 30, 2020
Our fourth supper was another sell-out at the lodge last night. A big thank you goes out to Guy Hache and West End Sports. Guy was up with his staff to help with the serving of a beautiful turkey supper. As always Guy had some wonderful prizes as part of the meal ticket and the club wants to acknowledge him for a huge cash donation of $3000 from his company. Thank you Guy!! We had people in from many parts of Nova Scotia, Truro, Hard Wood Lands and the Yarmouth Pubnico area; New Brunswick people from Sackville, Salisbury, and a great contingent from the Miramichi. Thank you for all showing up to a great social event. See you next week at our next supper sponsored by North Shore Welding. It will be a delicious roast beef supper with all the fixens plus Joan’s dessert desert, which is always a surprise. Call the lodge 548-9174 for tickets as they will be going fast and they could be sold out already.